Small Business Waste Assistance Program (SBWAP)

SBWAP Application

The Small Business Waste Assistance Program (SBWAP) provides a safe and affordable disposal/recycling option for your business’ hazardous waste. SBWAP is operated by the City of Tucson's Household Hazardous Waste Program.

Who can Use the SBWAP?

Almost any business that generates small quantities of hazardous waste and operates as a Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) can use the program. A CESQG is a business that is exempt from most state and federal hazardous waste disposal regulations so long as it generates very small quantities of hazardous waste and ensures delivery of its waste to a permitted facility.

Where does the Waste Go?

Waste received at the Household Hazardous Waste facility at the Los Reales Sustainability Campus is processed and either recycled or disposed of properly. Approximately 98% of the waste received is recycled.

What kinds of businesses use the SBWAP and what kind of waste do they generate?

  • Woodworkers
  • Solvents, varnishes and stains
  • Auto repair shops
  • Cleaning solvents, used oil and antifreeze
  • Print shops
  • Cleaning solvents and inks
  • Painting contractors
  • Paints and solvents
  • Exterminators
  • Pesticides and herbicides
  • Photo shops
  • Developing and fixing solutions
  • Other
  • Any business that generates waste paints, solvents, thinners, cleaners, pesticides, caustics, oils or chemicals.

The SBWAP is a valuable community resource. The program helps prevent illegal disposal of hazardous waste into landfills, sewers, storm drains, and the environment. It also helps businesses meet legal and financial responsibilities for the proper handling of waste generated.

Easy steps to get your business started:

  • Register with SBWAP
  • Complete an application - Submit a list, description & quantities of your business' hazardous waste
  • Schedule an appointment to deliver waste to the facility
  • Pay disposal fee at the time of delivery

Call SBWAP at (520) 791-4183.

How can SBWAP Help Your Business?

If your business generates small quantities of hazardous waste, the SBWAP can save you time and money. The SBWAP tracks your waste for you and guarantees that it will be properly disposed of or recycled. The SBWAP can also help you to identify hazardous waste and provide you with information about how it should best be managed.