Life Safety Education

Preventing Injury & Death

The mission of the Public Education Section is to prevent unintentional injury and death through education and active intervention. Comprised of two certified teachers and one fire inspector, this team works together to provide quality educational programs and safety resources to the public, reaching approximately 25,000 residents each year.

Circle of Life Programs

Our injury prevention programs are designed to meet the needs of community members as their roles and responsibilities change during each stage of life. We present on topics such as fire safety, drowning prevention, poisoning, and motor vehicle safety. Through these programs, Tucson Fire is able to empower our community by providing them with the prevention education and safety resources they need to create and maintain safe homes and safe families.

We offer programs for:

  • Preschool
  • Elementary
  • Middle School
  • High School
  • Parents
  • Senior Citizens

Educational Presentation Requests

Carseat Request

Smoke Alarm Request

CPR Classes