Community Resources for People Experiencing Homelessness

Resources for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or about to experience homelessness.

City of Tucson Housing First Program

The Housing First Program provides street outreach, emergency shelter, housing navigation, and supportive housing services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

Learn More about Housing First

Sullivan Jackson Employment Center (Pima County)

400 E 26th Street


(520) 724-7300

The Sullivan Jackson Employment Center (SJEC) opened its doors in 1986 to respond to the employment and training needs of homeless men and women seeking to enter the workforce. If you are willing to work, if you want to become self-sufficient and increase your employability skills, please call the Sullivan Jackson Employment Center for more information, and to schedule an intake appointment with a case manager. You can read more about their programming here.

Learn More about the Sullivan Jackson Employment Center

Center of Opportunity

4550 S Palo Verde

(520) 740-1501

Gospel Rescue Mission provides emergency shelter and recovery shelter for men and women. Case managers work with each person who enters the shelter to help them journey from homelessness to self-sufficiency. Their journey might begin with a warm meal and a safe bed but often leads them to seek help through our addiction recovery program, job skills training, counseling services, etc.

Learn more about the Center of Opportunity

Emerge - Center Against Domestic Abuse

Call for directions for shelter.

24-hour, multi-lingual hotline (520) 795-4266

24-hour, toll free hotline (888) 428-0101

Call the hotline number for immediate help. The hotline acts as a gateway to all of Emerge’s services. Family, friends and community members who are worried for a loved one can call for support, too.

Learn More about Emerge

Our Family Services - Youth Experiencing Homelessness

2590 N Alvernon Way


Youth age 12-17 Phone: (520) 320-5122

Young Adults age 18-24 Phone: (520) 323-1708 ext. 103

Toll free help: 1(800) 537-8696

Youth age 12-17 Text “Safe” and your current location (Street address, City, State) to 4HELP (44357)

Within seconds, you will receive a message with the closest Safe Place site and phone number for the local youth agency.

For immediate help with Safe Place, reply with “2chat” to text interactively with a trained counselor.

As one of the only dedicated homeless youth service providers in Tucson, Our Family Services offers housing and support to many hundreds of homeless youth each year. In fact, the vast majority of Tucson’s homeless youth will be helped by Our Family at some point in their lives.

Learn More about Our Family Services

Primavera Casa Paloma Women's Shelter

Undisclosed location near the intersection of Speedway Blvd. and Main Ave. in Tucson, AZ

(520) 623-5111

For eligibility and information on openings at Casa Paloma, visit or call for an appointment. Casa Paloma provides residential services in a women-only setting, offering short-term residential shelter services for women in crisis and medium-term transitional housing services for women who are working toward their goals for self-sufficiency.

Learn More about Primavera

Primavera Family Pathways Shelter Program

702 S. 6th Ave.

(520) 623-5111

For eligibility and information on openings with Family Pathways, visit or call for an appointment.

Learn More about Primavera

If you are a woman with children and need immediate shelter, please contact the Gospel Rescue Mission Women and Children's Shelter, at (520) 740-1501.

Primavera Men's Shelter

200 E. Benson Highway

(520) 623-4300

Primavera provides a variety of options from emergency shelter stays to long-term affordable housing. You are eligible for a seven-night stay with an extension up to 60 days if you qualify. See Primavera Men's Shelter website for services and eligibility information. Call precisely at 9 a.m., to reserve a bed for that evening. If there is not a space available, call every day precisely at 9 a.m., until a bed opens up.

Learn More about Primavera

Salvation Army Hospitality House

1002 N. Main Ave.

(520) 795-9671

The Salvation Army Hospitality House is open 24/7, providing emergency shelter for those in need. The facility, located near downtown Tucson, features a 100-bed facility with separate accommodations for men and women, and two family apartments. We also have accommodations for respite care, special needs and Veterans. Motel vouchers may be available to assist housing families with special needs. In addition to a safe and clean environment, the facility features laundry, showers, television, and dining. Guests receive two meals per day and access to vital programs and services.

Learn More about the Salvation Army Hospitality House

Sister Jose Women's Center

1050 S Park Avenue

(520) 909-3905

Sister Jose Women's Center is a Tucson-based nonprofit organization dedicated to the care and nurture of homeless women in a welcoming and safe environment. Our low-barrier day center provides unaccompanied homeless women with a stable and safe environment to recuperate from the daily struggle of homelessness and extreme poverty. The Winter Night Program provides overnight stays for women.

Learn More about Sister Jose

VA Hospital Homeless Program

3601 S. 6th Ave., Building 9

(520) 792-1450 ext. 1839

Shelter for veterans. (Need form DD214-Military Record)

Learn More about the VA Hospital Homeless Program

Youth on Their Own

2525 N Country Club Rd

(520) 293-1136

Toll free: (866) 496-8612

Youth On Their Own supports the high school graduation of homeless, abandoned youth in grades 6-12 who are enrolled in a public, private, charter, or alternative school in Pima County. Students must be homeless per the McKinney-Vento definition and be without the care of a long term parent or long term guardian. To begin the application process, students must contact theYOTO School Liaison (e.g., principal, teacher, counselor, etc.) within their school.

Learn More about Youth on Their Own