Neighborhood Mailings

Planning and Development Services Mailing Policy

The City will cover the cost of two mailings per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) for each Neighborhood Association that requests it.

How to Submit

Please submit a draft of your neighborhood’s newsletter or postcard to

Possible Options for Mailings

NAs can choose to send out a postcard (either 4”x6” or 8.5”x5.5”), a one-page flyer, or a four-page (4) newsletter. We do require a half-page for the address panel on newsletters, meaning you can have three and a half (3.5) pages of content.

The City funds black-and-white printing only. However, special arrangements can be made with our vendor to print in color if the NA would like to pay the difference between costs of black and white printing and color printing. Let us know you are interested in color printing to get a price estimate from our vendor.


It may take up to 10 days for postcards and up to 18 days for newsletters to reach your neighborhood residents. 

All meeting notices need to be in accordance with your bylaws. For example, if your bylaws require 10 day notice for meetings, those days are added to the production time. This means that meeting notices should be provided to Neighborhood Resources 20 days before the meeting for postcards, and 28 days before the meeting for newsletters.

Please take these timeframes into account when submitting your mailing for City review and production.


The accuracy of all information and adherence to copyright laws are the responsibility of the Neighborhood Association.

Mailings may not contain any form of advertising or political advocacy per guidance from the City Attorney. PDSD is required to review all newsletters to ensure that the neighborhood is in compliance with the issues written in this policy.

If a postcard or newsletter references a City project or program (e.g., a development or transportation project), this content will be shared with relevant staff for their review and feedback on any factual inaccuracies. If factual inaccuracies are identified, they will be shared with the Neighborhood Association, so the content may be revised for accuracy.

Every Mailing Must Include a Disclaimer

Newsletters must display this standard disclaimer on every edition:

The City of Tucson, its officers and employees, its Planning and Development Services Department and all other offices neither agrees nor disagrees with the views expressed or implied in this communication or any referenced websites and are not therefore responsible. The distribution requester is solely responsible.

When a Spanish translation is included, the following disclaimer in Spanish must appear:

La ciudad de Tucson, sus oficiales y empleados, su Departamento de Planificación y Servicios de Desarrollo, y el resto de las oficinas no están ni de acuerdo ni en desacuerdo con las opiniones expresadas o implicadas en estas comunicaciones o en cualquier de los sitios de internet refereciados y, por lo tanto, no son responsables. El solicitante de la distribución es el único responsable.

This policy was recommended by the Citizens Participation Advisory Committee (CPAC) and approved by the Mayor and Council in February 1998.