CAP Water Resource Fee

As the Tucson metropolitan area grows, there is more demand for our finite sources of water. In order to ensure the availability and delivery of high quality water and service to future customers, Tucson Water entered into agreements to purchase Central Arizona Project (CAP) water.

The CAP Water Resource Fee is one mechanism by which Tucson Water ensures that growth pays its way. Other methods, such as the System Equity Fee and Water Meter Installation Fees, focus on recovering construction costs related to capital improvements for the delivery of potable water.

The CAP Water Resource Fee provides a mechanism for the recovery of an equitable portion of the costs incurred (or estimated to be incurred) for acquisition of CAP water rights from future connections to the central potable system.

The fee will be assessed upon meter application for any new water service connection to the central potable system. The current fee schedule, below, became effective on July 2, 2012.

Meter Size Fee
5/8inch $200.00
3/4inch $300.00
1 inch $500.00
1-1/2inch $1,000.00
2 inch $1,600.00
3 inch $3,200.00
4 inch $5,500.00
6 inch $11,250.00
8 inch $17,000.00
10 inch $26,000.00
12 inch $43,000.00

For more information or questions about fees, call New Services at (520) 791-5164.

Contact Us

Contact Information

EMERGENCY (24 hours)
(broken water main or pipeline, etc.)


Customer Service & Billing
520-791-3242 or 800-598-9449 (toll-free)
Phone hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 am-5 pm

  • 310 Alameda St. - Closed
  • 1100 S. Alvernon Way Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-4:30 pm
  • 4004 S. Park Ave Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-4:30 pm
  • 201 N Stone Ave. 8:30 am-4:30 pm
TTY device communications: 520-791-2639
Paymentus help line: 800-420-1663 (24/7)
Paymentus support: