Santa Rita Bel Air Isolated Water System Fee

This one-time fee, to be assessed at the time of meter application, recovers the capital cost of the water system infrastructure necessary to serve new users connecting to the isolated system.

The fee schedule is shown below.

Meter Size Applicant Fee Non-Applicant Fee
5/8 inch $3,638.00 $4,060.00
3/4 inch $5,457.00 $6,090.00
1 inch $9,095.00 $10,150.00
1-1/2 inch $18,190.00 $20,300.00
2 inch $29,104.00 $32,480.00
3 inch $63,665.00 $71,050.00
4 inch $109,140.00 $121,800.00
6 inch $245,565.00 $274,050.00
8 inch $291,040.00 $324,800.00

Contact Us

Contact Information

EMERGENCY (24 hours)
(broken water main or pipeline, etc.)


Customer Service & Billing
520-791-3242 or 800-598-9449 (toll-free)
Phone hours: Mon.- Fri. 8 am-5 pm

  • 310 Alameda St. - Closed
  • 1100 S. Alvernon Way Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-4:30 pm
  • 4004 S. Park Ave Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-4:30 pm
  • 201 N Stone Ave. 8:30 am-4:30 pm
TTY device communications: 520-791-2639
Paymentus help line: 800-420-1663 (24/7)
Paymentus support: